How to get licenced version of Windows 10 for free?

We already know that Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users will get Windows 10 as a free upgrade (providing you install within a year of July 29th), but Microsoft is introducing a new way for anyone to get Windows 10 free of charge.

Follow the given below steps to get the windows 10 For free:

Step 1: Download and install the Latest preview On System ( 10130)

Step 2: Create the microsoft account

Step 3:Register the microsoft account for windows insider program

Step 4: Remove the Preview version from system and upgrade the final Official windows 10 for free

Note: Microsoft's Gabe Aul confirmed this method on Twitter yesterday as part of a new blog post detailing some new changes to the way the company tests Windows 10. "As long as you are running an Insider Preview build and connected with the MSA (Microsoft Account) you used to register, you will receive the Windows 10 final release build and remain activated," says Aul.