Hosting and maintaining the website and server is very difficult, as daily lots of zero day vulnerability discovered which may harm the server.Hosting company also provide the server resources but charges are too high.Some hosting company provide static website hosting for free like Google App Engine,Github etc...Now-a-days google started the support for dynamic website(PHP).
Steps To Host The Dynamic Website On Github
- Create the Account on Free hosting website like
- Verify the Created Account.
- Now Log-in and Go to Control Panel.
- Go to File Manager and Deploy the Content of website on Public html directory.
- Now visit your website by entering the Domain name on browser URL to check the status of site.
- Now download and install the HTTrack website copier.
- Open the HTTrack and click on next
- Provide any name to project In Name field
- Provide the directory to project
- Submit the URL of website in web address field
- Now Create the account on Github and create a new repository.Repository name must end with
- Make the repository Public
- Click the green "Set up in Desktop" button.It will start download Github.exe
- Now open the GitHub Desktop app ,Click on "Clone" to Save the project files in Computer.
- Now Paste the website data in file to your Clone Project folder
- Now again launch the "Github for Windows" application
- Hit the Sync button and after synchronize Click on "Commit to master" button
- Done
Follow the above steps will allow the user to host php website on github.
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