Windows a terribly powerful OS, it makes organizing stuff such a lot easier, If you have got a folder with numerous work files or photos to whom to need to name in an similar way…but in an exceedingly sequence “MyFolder 11 ..MyFolder 22..MyFolder 33………..MyFolder 99 “.You can use this easy accepted trick , whereas separately renaming it\'ll take up plenty of your time.Just Follow this tiny trick to rename Multiple files directly on Windows.
How to rename Multiple files at once on Windows:
1.Just Open the folder.2.Select all files manually or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A.
3.Right Click on the File you want to start numbering other files with.Click on Rename .
4.Just type in whatever name you wish to .
5.Clicking enter is the final thing you need to do,and now all the files have been named as you wanted.
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